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Ocean Jasper 101

Ocean Jasper 101

Ocean Jasper 101
"Ocean Jasper is arguably my favorite crystal. I love it, because no two pieces are exactly the same, so you can collect hundreds of pieces and not feel bad 😉" - Alyssa
Ocean Jasper was discovered in Madagascar in the early 1900s and is very hard to get to, as it's only accessible by boat during low tides. There are many "veins" of the stone, some more rare and highly sought after than others. Right now, the locality is considered to be depleted... so the stones on the market are back stock, and/or items collectors have hoarded over the years.

Energetic Uses 
Ocean Jasper is the perfect stone to use when you are feeling a down in the dumps and need uplifting. It is said to bring about feelings of happiness, and joy and helps you to release negative feelings and energy. In my opinion, this is a stone that everyone should have in their crystal collection! It is sometimes referred to as cellular jasper because the healing energy is believed to aid your physical body on a cellular level. Neat! 

Ocean Jasper activates your solar plexus, heart, AND throat chakras. This allows you to combine will with emotions, pushing you to achieve happiness and emotional stability. Ocean Jasper helps you to release strains you carry on your heart and urges you to vocalize and move forward from these emotional issues. Just like the water that helped create this magical stone, one must be willing to “go with the flow” when accepting this stones energy. Ocean Jasper is a perfect stone to keep in your pocket before your next therapy appointment, as it helps you regulate your emotions when dealing with sensitive subjects. 


If you do or do not believe in the metaphysical properties of crystals, that's fine by me.... Just as some people believe in God, some believe in many gods, some believe in no god. Whether you believe in healing properties or just want to collect them because you think they're pretty stones, you've got a place here at Sugar Koan Crystals. To check out our current selection of Ocean Jasper, click HERE

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